New Blog

Today I started on a new multi-pronged adventure. Ok, well most of those prongs all revolve around Emacs. Which is a cool looking and fun program in general. So this adventure began when I decided to graduate from using it for editing commit messages, and try to use it exclusively. Thus this blog is born.

It's a pretty hefty task getting all the things how you want them, learning all the chords sorting through similar yet frustratingly different problems and solutions. This struggle in and of itself, helps the learner on many levels.

(+ 1 2)

Did this work? I hope it did. And it did. Which is nice since I've never even touched org-mode before. In fact while writing that line I got sick of manually typing in square brackets and looked up the chord for 'org-insert-link' 'C-c C-l', which took many keystrokes to hunt down, however over time the initial investment of a few extra keystrokes is certainly worth never having to type those square brackets again unless I just R E A L L Y wanted to. It seems I have digressed, I was excited because the easy feature I read about to make a code block and see if it was indeed exported as html worked. That is both the feature and the translation to a code block in the output.

I will cover this process more in depth in the future, but for now I am just stoked this is all working, and glad I put the initial effort into Emacs to reach the critical mass point where it all (at least to me) seems to start coming together.