About Me?

Why are you here reading this? I'm just some guy who likes learning things. Yes, that's it just a guy, who happens to enjoy emacs and programming. Well I suppose there is a little bit more to the story, but don't say I didn't warn you.

I suppose it all started when my uncle handed me a Borland C++ compiler way back in the day. Only to find my 150mb hard drive wasn't large enough for Win 3.11 and this strange thing. Being 11, I did the only reasonable thing and removed windows. C++ WTF.

Many years later, disgusted with C++ I abandoned programming. Until later with equal disgust had it thrust upon me again as PHP 3, while everyone was going on about Y2K. Obviously not systems level programming and such, but it was fun for a while, and rekindled my love for making computers do things.

This was not to last though, because suddenly actionscript 3 was asking for my attention. That was fun for a while. It too passed though, when a wild python appeared, but quickly killed my drive with its constrictive nonsense. I was rescued by a gem of a language ruby, minus the fucking rails. Eventually setting my heart upon node for many many years.

Alas, I grew weary of each of these things, and as time progressed, I more frequently and at greater length returned to languages the both confounded and intrigued me. Saddly I had no practical use for them though. Until lately when I stopped giving a fuck and got serious about common lisp, erlang and elixir. Lisp naturally led me to settle on emacs.

Oh yeah, I write games and music and knit and other assorted things too. See I told you this shit was boring as fuck. Ohhh well.