Switching To Flexbox

So when I got started with this blog, I grabbed the first thing that I saw I liked and was good to go, out of the box. That happened to be BlackDoc. I did this mainly so I could experiment with Emacs and blogging from it through jekyll, also I generally despise any 'front-end' work. Mostly due to caring about browsers, caring about finding the right polyfill, old versions of IE, Css hacks and generally what I consider to be a never ending barrage of bullshit that regular users are shielded from, but developers must be constantly aware of. This to me, makes forward facing tech on the web irritating, arbitrarily hard and not worth it. However, since this is just a thing I'm doing for me and I don't care what browser where renders what in some way, I...

E-Book Ahhhhhgony

So a year or so ago, I purchased an e-book version of Elixir in Action after having run through most of Learn You Some Erlang and discovering Elixir which I instantly fell in love with but had no immediate use for. Not wanting to leverage this awesome thing I just found solely (or at all really) as yet another web framework, I did not dive right in to Phoenix and still have yet to. So I needed something to sate my desire to ingrain Elixir into my brain. After 20 or so exercises on exercism.io I looked for some book action to learn the finer points of all things not Phoenix. Enter 'Elixir in action', great book. Loved it, soft intro and gets deeper quickly. However, on my kindle keyboard, the oft used images of code, instead of text elsewhere...

Prelude To A Rabbit Hole

So I have spent the last two weeks or so ripping parts out of Prelude and learning about minor mode creation and pretty much all the things I never never got around to checking out. I think perhaps most of it was fear, and a little bit of lazy / lack of need / want. A large part of this was due to Prelude and how it just worked, and still works. It just had fulfilled its purpose in being an introduction to the way things could be in Emacs. Basically I had gotten tired of throwing stuff in my personal directory and had a growing file of things to work around features of prelude or adding funcitnality. One day it was too much and I set about figuring what parts of prelude did what and why. Much was learned...


That thing I just did, has started to be extremely helpful as far as org-mode and my total Emacs experience. Well…what is "That thing I just did"? Funny you should ask me that as I just discovered a thing 'C-c l' org-store-link as I was trying to just insert the Emacs link above and forgot to keep 'C' down for the 'C-c C-l'. Sure it was a diversion but I welcome temporary digressions to a certain depth while engaged in my day to day activities. It's basically like the problem with Wikipedia. Except for in Emacs, it's minutes of fascinated 'C-h k' which tells me wtf this key combo does or 'C-h v' which tells me wtf this variable is and how it relates to the largely unknown mesh of abstractions that let me type stuff like this. However I...

After the WTF

Time for a little more meat and potatoes with this milk. What really inspired me to start this blog was a post I came across. I must admit the idea of keeping my blog in a single file sounded extremely sexy, so armed with this article I googled my way to this point. All without ever having used org-mode at all or realizing org-mode is like some sort of strange markdown it seems like. And now I am hooked. So the wtf: Apparently I had messed up some property or a tag in combination with something funky in jekyll. Which somehow was getting blog posts for today rendered tomorrow. No idea, I opened a talk thing over with the jekyll folks, ran through a bunch of rm -rf, changed stuff, ended up removing all the properties added by the endless/export-to-blog...

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