Up And Running-ish

And now (hopefully) I have my google analytics up and running thanks to this answer which is further explained in this blog post by aforementioned answer-er. Many thanks to him, and those working on jekyll. I am really starting to appreciate the stack as it is extremely intuitive and well documented. While they aren't really in competition as they are for completely different domains, I consider jekyll to be another great victory in the non-rails ruby web tech area. Oh, I almost forgot many thanks to web-mode which I just found, as i was getting tired of seeing all sorts of funky errors in my .html from the jekyll templating and such. This particular snippet after installation worked wonders: (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.html?\\'" . web-mode)) Also useful was this list of supported languages in literal blocks with org-mode.

Instant Fun

So here is a useful tidbit I came across while setting this whole thing up. I suppose it is somewhat old news to some, however I am new to the github pages game and haven't looked at jekyll since 2010-ish. That last bit is entirely my fault though, as I had left ruby-land at that point and was off in v8-world until recently. When I quit my job and moved back to the united states. Crazy I know. So after catching up on serial, and getting back in to drawing, I finally got to the point where I could look at code again. It was here as previously mentioned that I got heavily into emacs. Which admittedly was less for the sake of blogging, and more because I had finally committed to get more than a passing familiarity with cl....

New Blog

Today I started on a new multi-pronged adventure. Ok, well most of those prongs all revolve around Emacs. Which is a cool looking and fun program in general. So this adventure began when I decided to graduate from using it for editing commit messages, and try to use it exclusively. Thus this blog is born. It's a pretty hefty task getting all the things how you want them, learning all the chords sorting through similar yet frustratingly different problems and solutions. This struggle in and of itself, helps the learner on many levels. (+ 1 2) Did this work? I hope it did. And it did. Which is nice since I've never even touched org-mode before. In fact while writing that line I got sick of manually typing in square brackets and looked up the chord for 'org-insert-link' 'C-c C-l',...

1 (setf pagination '(nil . newer))